Norton and Strauss on the NE ridge of Buck.
Davey and I left town at 2:30am to catch up with Alex Norton, Justin Strauss, and Tim Barker somewhere ahead of us to ski Buck Mountain. Half way up Stewart's Draw we saw their headlamps in the distance. We took a different route and rendezvoused under the peak at about 6am, and made it to the top just after the sunrise. It would have been perfect timing if the slopes had received the sun and heat they were expected to get, but high clouds kept the temps down and there was no sign of them getting much warmer to soften up the snow.
From the NE ridge of Buck looking north
The South Teton, South Face
Davey contemplating the ridge where Norton, Strauss, and Barker went. We thought the left looked less cool but easier so we went that way. From this point on, Davey led the bootpack up the entire face. I couldn't even catch him to take my turn in breaking trail.
The three amigos getting off the ridge.
Straussaroo near the summit
Top of the Apocalypse Couloir on Prospectors
The lovely Amore Vida Couloir on the South Teton