Author of The Black Book: Select Lines from Grand Teton National Park

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Monday, July 14, 2008

The Red Sentinel Couloir

Ryan under the Sentinel (left coulior)

Ryan nearing the top

West Hourglass Couloir on Nez Perce

"What'd you ski?"
"The Sentinel Coulior."
"Never heard of it."

So went most of the conversations on Ryan and I's hike back down the Ampitheater Lakes trail until we ran into a Park Ranger who said, "Ahh, good choice.  That's probably one of the best places right now."

The Sentinel is little known because it is so hidden.  You can see the Dike Snowfield between Disappointment and the Grand, but the Sentinel is tucked out of sight next to it.  The sun rarely hits it and never hits it hard, so it is not suncupped like everything else in July in the Tetons is.  It is a steep, 1400 foot couloir that affords spectacular views of Garnet Canyon to the south, and the Cathedral Group to the north.