On June 24th 2007, Matt Gardner, Jessica Wolfskehl and I went to Sunrise on Mount Rainier in search of corn snow next to that peak of Himalayan proportions. While there was less snow on the approach than expected, the skiing was nevertheless fantastic, and the clouds on the eastern side of the mountain cleared now and then to afford spectacular views of the big boy next to us. The nice thing about Sunrise is that, while it receives less snow than Paradise, that also means it gets better weather. The approach was an easy hike. The north-facing bowls off the ridge that leads to the Burroughs looked very good and probably will remain so through July. I don't know if I'll still be skiing then, but I might. At home, I keep telling myself, "keep at it because now all the big mountains are at their safest, and the weather is so nice. There is so much left to ski here! Next year you need to not start in November, but wait till January so you have more passion for summer skiing." But when I'm up in the mountains with skis that passion refuels instantaneously.
If you look closely, you might be able to find the climbers bootpack up Rainier. It was entertaining to watch the climbers progress up the huge face, weaving through the crevasses. All the while I can't help but think about how much it would suck to walk back down the whole thing.
Gardner warming up after a two month hiatus.
One thing this site needs is more pictures like this. Thanks Jess
This was Jess's first backcountry ski excursion. We tried to make it as easy as possible on her, therefore she didn't have to carry a thing, not even her skis on the hike up. But she did have to suffer with Alpine Trekkers.
The bowls of the Burroughs we skied and the Mother of Water watching over them, waiting to supply them with more precipitation when needed. Overall, a beautiful day once again, and, as usual, after checking one more off the list of "must ski," a dozen other lines were added, particularly the north bowls.
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